If you are looking for an effectively concise, ‘easy to read’ but psychologically sound narrative and handbook on how to embody the ‘Cancer Warrior’ when combatting ‘Terrible, the Terrorist Tumor’, Carla Fotev’s ‘ChemRad Mind Games’ endeavours to optimally resource and strategically encourage substantial empowerment throughout an individual’s cancer journey.
In having humbly shared aspects of her own personal cancer journey, Carla’s capacity to impart her professional knowledge of psychological constructs and their practical application for anyone who may be directly, intimately or indirectly involved with cancer journeys, remains commendable. It has been successfully written with validity and conviction, enhancing its valuableness.
I am honoured to have been asked to review this book and proud to call Carla one of my dearest friends and colleagues, whose experiences and wisdom as shared throughout will no doubt assist to ‘lighten the load’ for those experiencing various cancer diagnoses, treatments, psycho-emotional upheaval and recovery.
John Alessandrini – Director, Registered Psychologist
B.App.Sc.(Psych.) B.Psych. Dip.Ed. MAPS.
Grow Well Psychological Services Pty Ltd, www.growwellpsychology.com.au